History of Dimensions Research

The cornerstone of all of Dimensions Foundation work, as identified by one of its core values, is the use of a rigorous research methodology that is based on close observation of children over time. The work is disseminated through our educational resources, Nature Explore Outdoor Classrooms, workshops, design services, presentations and publications.

Dimensions’ research officially began in 1998 with the formation of the Dimensions Educational Research Foundation. Our research was initially done collaboratively with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UN-L). Dimensions Early Education Programs faculty attended an aesthetic education program at UN-L and met professionals with diverse specialties including architecture, music, mathematics and kinesthesiology.

This early collaboration included a multi-disciplinary team of professionals including teacher educators and researchers. From the beginning, we identified the purpose of our research as the exploration of how young children (ages 3-6) develop visual-spatial skills, and how early childhood educators could best support that development.